for Colecovision & ADAM Family Computer System Guide No. 17344 Cartridge Instructions ANTARCTIC ADVENTURE copyright 1984 by Konami Industry Co., All Rights Reserved For one player only Special "Practice Run" feature (picture of a penguin holding a Colecovision controller, with another penguin waddling out of a hole in the ice in the background.) Use your Colecovision controller or Super Action controllers. Explore the icy Antarctic as you speed around the South Pole with an intrepid penguin explorer. Race against time as you try to raise flags of as many nations at Antarctic ice stations. Leap icy crevasses, hop over ice puddles and dodge playful, curious seals on your exciting journey. YOUR SOUTH POLE ADVENTURE (Picture of a newspaper classified ad...) WANTED Fearless explorers for Antarctic Adventure! Must be willing to travel. High tolerance for cold a must. Salary: all the fish you can catch! Fringe benefits: high adventure and lots of fun! Apply Admiral Bird. Join a polar expedition as you help a spunky penguin explorer speed through ten Antarctic ice stations. Race against the clock to help him be the first penguin to circle the South Pole! As you travel around the South Pole, icy crevasses appear with surprising suddeness! Leap over them and continue your adventure. Hop over ice puddles or glide around them. Watch out - playful, curious seals may pop up at any moment to surprise you! Capture the flags scattered over the ice and snap up the flying fish for extra points. GETTING READY TO PLAY Make sure the Colecovision Unit or Adam is off before inserting or removing a cartridge. One-Player Game Use the Port 1 Controller How to Start Insert the cartridge; then turn on your game system. Press the Reset Switch. The title screen appears on your TV; then the Game Select screen appears. Press ANY Keypad Button to start your polar adventure. If you don't press a Keypad Button, a Practice Run screen appears. Use this screen if you want to practice maneuvering the penguin across the snowy ice fields. When you're ready to start exploring, press ANY Keypad Button to start your adventure. (Diagrams of the Colecovision Hand Controller and the Colecovision Super Action Controller) USING YOUR CONTROLS 1. Control Stick: Press the Control Stick up (away from you) to increase the penguin's speed; press the Control Stick down (toward you) to slow the Penguin down. Press the Control Stick left or right to make the penguin move in the selected direction. 2. Side Buttons or Action Buttons: Press either Side Button or the Yellow or Orange Action Button on the Super Action Controller to make the penguin jump over ice crevasses, ice puddles or seals. NOTE: The Keypad on the Colecovision hand controller is not used in Antarctic Advnture. On the Super Action Controller, the Blue and Purple Action Buttons and the Speed Roller are not used. HERE'S HOW TO PLAY PLUCKY PENGUIN EXPLORER The Penguin explorer must make the run from one ice station to another, avoiding obstacles, before the timer counts down to zero. If the timer does reach zero before he arrives at a station, the game is over. When the penguin has just ten seconds of time left for his run, a warning alarm sounds! (Screen shot of game screen: Score, High Score, Stage, Time Remaining, Distance Remaining, Speed Indicator, Fish, Flag, Ice Puddle, Seal, Ice Crevasse and Penguin.) The explorer's first goal is reaching the Austrailian Ice Station. Press the Control Stick up to make him move fast. Once he reaches his "cruising speed", he stays at that speed until he skitters around an ice puddle or crevasse, collides with a seal or falls into an ice crevasse. Press the Control Stick down to slow the penguin down. ON THIN ICE Slide and glide to the "Skater's Waltz" as the penguin speeds toward a station. Move the Control Stick left or right to make him waddle around ice puddles, ice crevasses or seals. Watch out - don't wander too close to the edges of the obstacles or the penguin skitters and loses valuable time! ICE DANCING Sometimes it's easier for the penguin to jump over obstacles rather than slide around them. Press either Side Button or the Yellow or Orange Action Button to make the penguin jump over an obstacle. Earn 30 points for a successful jump. SLIP SLIDIN' AWAY If the penguin falls into an ice crevasse, he must scamper out again. Press either Side Button or the Yellow or Orange Action Button to make the penguin jump out of the crevasse and back onto the ice. Press the Control Stick up to get him cruising again. CURIOSER AND CURIOUSER Playful seals are curious about the penguin's progress over the ice fields. As the penguin moves toward an ice station, one of the seals pops up frequently through holes in the ice to see what's going on! Press the Control Stick left or right to glide around this mischevious fellow. Press either Side Button or the Yellow or Orange Action Button to make a daring jump over this curious critter. Try to make the jump over the seal's shoulders since a head-on jump usually guarantees a collision. Earn 30 points for a successful jump. CAPTURE THE FLAG Previous polar explorers have scattered bright green flags across the polar ice fields. Dart the penguin through a flag and earn 500 points! FLYING FISH Exploring burns up lots of energy and the penguin gets very hungry! As he races across the ice, fish leap up through the ice holes toward him. Earn 300 points for each fish the penguin catches. ICE STATION PENGUIN When the penguin reaches an ice station, he hoists the station's flag and salutes. Congratulate yourself - you're definitely hero material! Warm up and keep on truckin'! You've got nine more ice stations to reach on your ANTARCTIC ADVENTURE! STARTING OVER When you end one ANTARCTIC ADVENTURE game, press ANY Keypad Button to begin another! Reset The Reset Button on the console or the ADAM stops the game and returns you to the Title screen. It can be used at any time to start a new game, and can also be used in case of game malfunction. SCORING When the penguin completes a run into an ice station before the timer counts down to zero, you earn a bonus of 100 points for each second left on the timer. You also earn points when the penguin jumps over an obstacle, captures a flag or catches a fish. Penguin Action Points Scored Capturing a flag............500 points Catching a fish.............300 points Jumping over an obstacle.....30 points You start your adventure with on penguin explorer; he is never eliminated from play. However, the penguin is slowed down by falls into ice crevasses, skitters around ice puddles or crevassees and collisions with seals. Each delay loses valuable exploration time. If time runs out before the penguin reaches an ice station, the game is over. THE FUN OF DISCOVER This instruction guide provides the basic information you need to get started playing ANTARCTIC ADVENTURE, but it is only the beginning! You will find that this cartridge is full of special features that make the game exciting every time you play. Experiment with different techniques - and enjoy the game! 90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY blah, blah, blah